Masuk Daftar

taxi fare artinya

contoh kalimat "taxi fare"
  • In order to keep my pride, I'll at least need taxi fare.
    Tidakkah kau punya harga diri?
  • Sir, I will not charge you the taxi fare.
    Tuan, saya tidak akan menagih Anda.
  • But this is for the dry cleaning and taxi fare.
    Tapi ini untuk dry cleaning dan ongkos taksi.
  • You don't even have any pride. I merely saved a taxi fare.
    Bukankah Anda bilang bahwa saya harus pergi dengan Anda?
  • Will the taxi fare be expensive?
    Apakah ongkos taksi mahal?
  • Will you pay the taxi fare for me?
    Tolong Anda talangi dulu uang taksinya, nanti saya bayar.
  • Third, arrive at the door of your home and press the doorbell, ask someone inside to bring the taxi fare out.
    Dengarkan dengan seksama. Pertama, cegat taksi.
  • Just be convenient in your trip with no worries about driving license or taxi fare
    Rasa nyaman dalam perjalanan Anda tanpa khawatir tentang SIM atau ongkos taksi
  • One does not have to worry about missing the bus or paying escalating taxi fares.
    Satu tidak perlu khawatir tentang kehilangan bus atau membayar tarif taksi yang meningkat.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2